The words of Henri Matisse base the Creativity Takes Courage Wallpaper. For those who need to motivate and create, this freebie will be the perfect background for you.
Like many great artists, the genius of Henri Matisse took years to actually garner the public appreciation it deserved. While paintings may be a matter of taste, words generally cut a more direct path to the minds of an audience. This simple wallpaper features his Creativity Takes Courage quote and centers it in a slightly textured layout.
Creativity Takes Courage Wallpaper | Mockup

Origins of the Creativity Takes Courage Quote
Sometimes all creative folks need is a little inspiration. But inspiration isn't as simple as walking through a gallery and leave it to Henri Matisse to note that. It took years of focus and hard work for Henri Matisse to break through a saturated art world just after the turn of the century. By embracing his contemporaries and melding them with the influence of mother nature, Matisse worked through several art movements and left his impression on them all. While this motivational wallpaper isn't anything fancy, we hope it serves as a friendly reminder that being creative isn't as easy as some would make it look sometimes. It takes perseverance. But that's exactly what great work requires.
Time to Motivate and Create
Take Matisse's words to heart and download the Creativity Takes Courage Wallpaper with the button below. We have included both individual sizes and a packaged Zip available for download. We've included all major screen sizes, iPhone, and iPad versions for people who like to keep their devices synced up. If you like it, please feel free to share it online and as always - Thanks you for stopping by!
Download the Creativity Takes Courage Wallpaper
- Available Sizes
- 5120 x 2880 5K
- 1920 x 1080 FHD
- 1600 x 900
- 1440 x 900 WXGA+
- 1366 x 768 WXGA
- 2048 x 2732 iPad Pro
- 1536 x 2048 iPad Retina
- 1080 x 1920 iPhone 6+
- 750 x 1334 iPhone 6
- 640 x 1136 iPhone 5
Download the Creativity Takes Courage Wallpaper
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