This Wes Anderson Wallpaper Tribute is a Steve Zissou tribute. A minimalist Life Aquatic wallpaper for Wes lovers.
I love Wes Anderson, but this Steve Zissou Wallpaper is dedicated to the man himself. Generally Bill Murray is amazing in any movie, but this one in particular makes me love him so much more. He consistently fights an unending uphill battle, w/o so much as noticing. I constructed the teams outfit in Illustrator, then tossed in an inspirational quote from the man himself.
Steve Zissou - Life Aquatic / Wes Anderson Wallpaper | Mockup

It may not be remarkably deep quote, but it's something you should be looking at every day... because that's what each day is. Both a gift and an adventure! I've included all major large screen sizes, iPads, iPhone, Retina Versions, as well as muted version for iPad and iPhone (so you can use them in the background w/o distracting from your icons too much). Use the download button below and deck out all your devices with the classy, inspirational, and timeless awesomeness that a Wes Anderson Wallpaper provides. If you like it - share it and if you don't, just don't tell Kingsley.... I'm not quite sure how he'd handle it.
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Download the Steve Zissou - Wes Anderson Wallpaper
- Available Sizes
- 5120 x 2880 5K
- 1920 x 1080 FHD
- 1600 x 900
- 1440 x 900 WXGA+
- 1366 x 768 WXGA
- 2048 x 2732 iPad Pro
- 1536 x 2048 iPad Retina
- 1080 x 1920 iPhone 6+
- 750 x 1334 iPhone 6
- 640 x 1136 iPhone 5
Download Steve Zissou - Wes Anderson Wallpaper
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