Life Favorites - Favorite Gadgets & Lifestyle Apps

The Life Favorites Blog Features Toys for Geeks Everywhere. Our Favorite Apps, Productivity Tools, Favorite Gadgets, Lifestyle Apps & More.

Life Favorites - Favorite Gadgets & Lifestyle Apps

360 Panorama App

This 360 Panorama review reinforces one simple theory - Beautiful panoramas should be easy. With the 360 Panorama App they can be.

Zombies Run! - Favorite Workout App

Fear based exercise motivation App that turns your mobile into a personal trainer.

Square App - Mobile Credit Card Reader

Payment processing that turns your mobile device into a credit card processing powerhouse.

The BookBook - Coolest Phone Case Design Ideas

The world of iPhone cases usually produce dull holsters coated in plastic.

The Clocky Alarm Clock

Web geeks require some tricks in the morning... meet the Clocky Alarm Clock.

A Modern Eden

A Modern Eden produces well designed and thoughtful toddler applications.

Simple Garden

The Simple Garden is a perfect addition to any home (or home office) that could use a little more oxygen and life.